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Schools & Universities

Our education system does not currently teach practical business skills with “Business Studies” taking an academic approach and the measure of success being the grade you receive.

However, the business community has recognised for a long time the benefit of introducing business skills into the education system at an earlier stage and in a more practical way.

Business is the process of learning and applying different skills and our Business Coaching programme is therefore designed to provide a practical approach to the topic. No matter what you plan to do with your life, understanding the commercial realities of the business world in a very practical way can be hugely beneficial. As an employee, understanding the business you work for and it’s challenge can allow you to contribute to the success of that business in a more enlightened way but this training can also set the fires burning so that the desire to be your own boss builds.

Currently most SME business owners start their business with little business knowledge. They have skills in what they do but not business skills on how to turn this into money and a successful venture. It does not need to be this way and our objective is to help open eyes and minds to the business world at a much earlier stage. With our Business Basics™ on-line programme and our Business Accelerator we can create a business coaching environment within schools and further education platforms who have a desire to stimulate the business and entrepreneurial thinking of their pupils and students.

University “Spin Outs”

Many Universities are involved in different types of Research and Development and these activities can create opportunities to “spin” the project out into a new venture. Starting, growing and running a business will involve leaning new skills and we can therefore support the “spin out team” through our bespoke business accelerator and C.E.O development programme.

Business Basics™ delivers essential learnings in an easy to understand way. You can build a lean business plan to help both you and others easily understand your business. This process allows you to think deep about your business, it uncovers any unknowns, and gives direction to overcome any problems. Validation of your plan through the 1-1 coaching is the main value of Business Basics- you are not alone in this process.

David White: CEO BRG Training Ltd

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