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Allan Mackintosh – Top Ten Tips

1. Inclusion is Everything

Ensure you have a compelling Vision and a strong & engaging Purpose for your team. Include the team in creating that vision and purpose.

2. Focus on the Outputs

The Aims, Goals and Objectives that you set for the team need to be S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed).

3. Roles must be Clear

Team member roles and responsibilities have to be absolutely clear to everyone and these have to be shared so that everyone knows who is doing what.

4. Training is essential

Make sure there is a team development plan and that all the team members have individual development plans.

5. Be Open and Honest

Discuss each person’s individual needs and values. What does each team member need personally from working in the team and what values and behaviours have to be demonstrated consistently and authentically

6. Manage Expectations

What does the owner / manager / team leader expect from the team and what does the team expect from the owner/ manager / team leader?

7. Empower everyone

Agree a decision making process and ensure everyone knows exactly how much autonomy they have.

8. Reward and Recognise

Share success from huge gains to small wins. Celebrate and Learn.

9. Take Breathers

Build in reviews of the business but also ensure that the team processes and contract are reviewed routinely as well

10. Enthuse Stakeholders and Supporters

Identify the key stakeholders that will support and encourage the team and work with them to enable them to support the team and vice-versa.

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